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What are the characteristics of triode?

Release date:2017-04-10 16:06:58

What are the characteristics of triode?


1, the input features

Triode input characteristic curve, which represents the Ib relationship along with the change of Ube, its features are:

(1) when the Ube < UbeR, Ib material according to O (0 ~ UbeR) for the "dead zone" in the section when Ube > UbeR, Ib increases with the increase of Ube, amplification, triode working in the straight line sections.

(2) when the Uce within 0 to 2 v, position and shape curve is related to the Uce, but after the Uce higher than 2 volts, curve Uce independent input features usually composed of two basic curve said.

2, the output characteristics

Output characteristic said Ic relations, along with the change of Uce it is divided into three regions: the zone and saturated zone and regional.

Cutoff region When Ube < 0, the Ib material 0, namely Ic = Iceo, called through current, when the room temperature Iceo is about a few microamps, germanium tube is about a few microamps to hundreds of microampere.

Silicon tube certified by Icbo when temperature is less than 1 microamps, about 10 microamps of germanium tube certified by Icbo, for germanium tube, each elevated temperature 12 ℃, certified by Icbo numerical doubled, and per silicon tube temperature 8 ℃, certified by Icbo numerical increase one times.

Saturated zone when the emitter junction and collector junction are in a state of forward bias, Ic basically does not change with the Ib, lost the zoom function.

Put a big qu When the transistor emitter junction in the forward bias and collector junction in the partial work, Ic with Ib approximate linear change, put district is in a state of amplification transistor work area


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